As with all the core Office apps, you can use Outlook Online from your browser. If you are willing to pay a premium for a traditional buy-it-once license, you can also buy Outlook as part of Microsoft Office Home and Business 2016. Although to be honest we’re not sure why you would want to use Outlook but not, say, Word.Migrations from a single domain Customers with all deskless workers Mac shops For more information review Using the Data-Only Planner in the SkyKick help center. Projects in which end users do not need the SkyKick Outlook Assistant to automatically configure their Outlook to work with Office 365.Unfortunately, if you are using, to manage your emails, there is not an option to turn off the Junk Email filter, but you can bypass the junk filtering by applying a rule, which moves every message delivered to your email address to the inbox folder. & * * If you 're using Office365 click here.Set up new Office 365 Message Encryption capabilities
Otherwise, see Defining mail flow rules for Office 365 Message Encryption that don't use the new OME capabilities.